ghost lyric

Joseph Townend
Poets Unlimited
1 min readMay 21, 2017


I’ll pluck stars out from the black
Play with them then put them back
Show you how I changed the skies -
You’ll reply you hurt inside
You’ll reply, ‘If love is real
Why is it you always feel
Strong desires to write our lives
With sweet words for other eyes?’
I’ll respond, ‘My love is pure’
You’ll reply, ‘Your thought’s a lure:
Your love’s snared inside your mind
Ghost-like for the world to find
Hiding in your poetry -
That ghost hidden isn’t me’

‘That ghost can’t see stars or skies
That ghost can’t tell love from lies’

Destiny pray rearrange
All the stars above I changed
Skies need turn themselves back to
How they were when I met you

(For Ruth)

