
The Story More Often

Ashwini Dodani
Poets Unlimited
2 min readMay 24, 2019


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I know, I know, I keep saying,
Every time there’s something to see
something to look at
something to be bored of
something to stay besides, for long…

But would that actually matter the next minute?
Would it feed my confidence?
So many questions hail my mind,
Once again I give into distractions galore…

Lost relationships, full minds,
No energy, drained all the time,
Too much information, no value,
Is this all even worth? I keep on finding…

When did we move so away from human touch?
Can’t fathom how we gave into all this so easily,
One life, one time, so much to do, so less to waste,
In the name of technology, we have simply swayed…

It’s annoying, isn’t it? when someone doesn’t listen to you
just because they are glued, so glued,
to the screen which gives them enough to consume,
and you seem to just be a part so minuscule…

It’s depressing, isn’t it? when the most important people
in your life are so busy just because they are glued, so glued,
to whatever keeps them busy, distracted and saved
from their own fears, loneliness and blues…

A moment to breathe in the fresh air, we forgot,
A small joy to cherish and why it matters, we forgot,
Humanity, nature, held hands, the feeling, we forgot,
We are still alive, it’s time to reverse, remember…

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