Prem Sakhi
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2017

Gone are the days of respect and love,
People are busy building castles to show.

Gone are the days of sharing cheer and sorrow,
People are busy saving money for tomorrow.

Gone are the days of family time,
People are now busy nine to nine.

Gone are the days of post cards and letters,
People are busy with debit cards and increment letters.

Gone are the days of brotherhood, helping needy on time,
People are busy in parlors, saloons, to flirt someone's mind.

Gone are the days of truth and honesty,
Most successors are liars, and believe in modesty.

Gone are the days, where money for bread and butter,
Now busy snatching potlucks, freebies , no bread no butter, party liquor.

Gone are the days of balanced diet,
Now we have burger, pizza to delight.

Gone are the days of healthy long life,
People are busy counting coins,
One day husband runs to the doctor,
The other day child or wife.

Gone are the days of God fearing,
Now God is a business, neither almighty, nor karma theory,
Just live to the fullest, a life of luxury.

Gone are the days, people provided shelter for the needy,
People are busy building gates so high and dogs inside to shoo the needy.

While rich is busy jamming roads, with giant cars and litter,
That Poor chap still searching for a meal at 12 in the night.

Riches returning home having all three diets,
At the cost of which hundred poor could delight.

Yes the world has developed a lot, and we do hear,
Unless the poor reads and feeds, and has values to hear,
No matter how developed are we or country,
No worthy to be called as humans ourselves,
For we had time neither to share sorrow, nor their poverty.

Never did we realize our responsibility to serve, to care, to share,

We all live under one sky, one planet, and children of one God after all.



Prem Sakhi
Poets Unlimited

Aspiring children's author and global content creator, focused on Sustainability, Biodiversity, and Nature. Inspiring young minds to love and protect our planet