
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2017


We had expectations of one another
That we would


You, my depression
In much the same way
As I, your anxiety

We struggled together
Two big fish
Floundering for room to take each other in
Our goblet-sized-world filled with rose-colored water
Our vision for one another — tainted

We saw
Never crystal clearly
Somehow finding ourselves
Something like bound together
An understatement whispered
Just low enough to fit in the crevices between us
Admittedly I entered full of mystery
You arrived with your share of unresolved history
We were filled to our brims
Barely able to contain our fervor for each other
There were no catalysts needed to aid our combustion
We were explosive

But someone had to hold steady
One of us needed to negotiate the nuances
No one would trudge through our aftermath
I saw our demise
Despite a scarlet shaded worldview
I knew this would never end well

Watered by the same lust
Which kept me swollen
Desiring a fantasy
We were both too big for
I wished for it too
But knew better

Novelty kept us suspended amongst the stardust
Reality as elusive as gravity
Confined to our too-little-world
Floating in the bliss of reckless passion
Needing room to breathe
Room to be
We had expectations of one another
That we would
Hold tightly
Never let go

But we never took time
To get a good grip

— enigma

