Growing Up: Wise Or Otherwise

Ji Ahn
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 5, 2016

Nothing came her way

Dreams so beautiful, nothing else mattered

Her smile so contagious, loved she was,

By the blooming young and fading old.

Plan not it was, to love

Her heart and soul, committed to dreams

Still, a prince came by, with an effervescent smile

Somewhere along the way, opened were the doors

To the beautiful heart.

But then, the blooming smiles were faded

Into the oblivion before they were born

Elders got their ego beaten

And hence meddling was done.

Growing up makes people go rough;

Is it the bad scary world out there,

Or the inner flaws that denies them of smiles,

Rules created, hearts broken,

And dreams squashed.

Is it Wise or Otherwise

To insist on the wrongs

Young hearts devoured and sacrificed

At the alter of the materialistic crown!

Sigh, would it change?Or would I end up one amongst them?

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Let us love everyone, for they are all humans and they deserve it, fair or not, fat or thin, healthy or diseased. Growing up is to be wiser not jealous.



Ji Ahn
Poets Unlimited

An aspiring author with spurging ideas that can take me to places.