Greg McCain
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2016


Happy Father’s Day, Richard W. McCain

Dead 22 years

Joined the Army
age 18
to get out of bum fuck Indiana

Fought in Korea
hated it
hated the army
hated his commanders
hated his comrades in arms
Being forced to kill
for imperial expansion
contributed to his depression and alcoholism

But he was a good dad
supported us when he could
great sense of humor
instilled antiwar sensibilities in his kids

Hated Nixon Reagan Bush Clinton and
most likely would have hated all those afterwards

Masters Degree through GI Bill
Social Worker
Marriage Counseling
(even as his was falling apart)

Midlife crisis manifested in
riding a motorcycle
a horse and
(amongst other adult activities)
logged enough jumps
became a jump instructor

Rebelled late in life
Quit Social Work practice
Literally bummed around
Odd jobs doesn’t begin to describe them
Eventually took a steady job
Menial labor
Metal treatment plant
still in bum fuck Indiana
(never seemed able to get
the hell out permanently)
Became active in the Steelworkers Union
Elected interim President of his local
up until he was too sick to work
Retired at 65.

Last memory
before the cancer took him
he’s researching his ancestry
We walk the streets of Glasgow
stop on a bridge over the River Clyde
he says

“You know what’s the only thing I regret? Not having swum naked in the River Clyde.”

His 6'2", 220 pound frame
(down from his usual 250
due to the cancer)
jogs toward the river bank
I amble over
I find him shirtless
extremely winded
lying on the bank
I suggest
Fish and Chips instead

He passed away 2 months later

The next time I’m in Glasgow
I’m heading straight to the River Clyde.



Greg McCain
Poets Unlimited

What you refuse to tear down eventually crumbles in on itself.