Hate Speech

Pamela Morrison
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 12, 2018

I don’t agree with you
Your archaic views
You speak words
In a monotone
Like you’re reading them from a board
Dipped in a bitter sauce
You have no recourse
You don’t listen to anyone
Shouting them down
With your megaphone
Your voice with the volume up
You never walk in another’s shoes
Why would you
You don’t want to understand
You just want to rant
Fake News
Have your say
Freedom of speech only applies to you
Hate speech on repeat
You’ve been heard
You have no lessons to preach
There’s nothing you have to say
That resonates
Now just go away



Pamela Morrison
Poets Unlimited

Discoverist, writing of life, love, obstacles, change & other things. Problems are my catnip and troubleshooting my fuel. My accidental poetry keeps me sane.