Her Diary

Subham Agarwala
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2017

She opened her eyes- her big, dark, deep eyes.
She couldn’t see many faces around,
But the ones present there had a look of despise.
A nurse’s face was the first she saw- stern, indifferent and cold.
A woman, her mother may be, lay beside her, sobbing.
“Maybe I am not that beautiful”, she thought, “Maybe it was a lie that God told.”

He said, “You will be welcomed by all and held dear”,
But she was born to a woman in tears, silenced by fear.
But then she thought how bad could it be,
Excited she was to see her new home.
And it didn’t take much time to see,
That “she” was nothing but a puppet in the hands of “he”.

As she grew up, she could feel the pressure build-up too.
Girl as she was,
She was meant to live according to others,
Do what others wanted her to.

She wanted to run and play,
She was made to sit and pray.

She wanted to go and study,
She was forced into rice and curry.

She wanted to dance, wanted to sing,
But girl as she was, these were not her thing.

So this is how she went through life,
Deprived in a cave.
After all, she had to grow to be a homely lady
So that a “good” man would come, marry her, and find in her a new humble slave.

But before this could happen,
Before she could jump from the frying pan to the fire,
She became victim to a monster’s impulsive lusty desire.
A beast he was,
Came and lay his hands on her.
The hungry, brutal animal, found himself yet another dinner.

She screamed, she cried, she shouted and bled.
“Help Help Help” she shouted as she bled.
Her eyes, her heart, her soul, her everything bled.
Her ordeal didn’t stop until she was dead.

She didn’t notice the protest that followed,
Didn’t see all the candles’ light.
She didn’t turn back even once,
After her soul was on flight.

And up there God didn’t dare to show her His face,
Ashamed He was, that He had created the human race.
“Please stop this God…Please”, she cried and pled.
For, from up there, she could see more “nirbhayas” coming,
And they were all very afraid.

