her old house

Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJul 9, 2017

last night in dreams
it came again
it does so often now

this time a wooden spoon was set
in a depression made to hold it
outside the front door

inside a thin frosting-like layer of snow
soft and even across the floors
while somewhere the wind
struggled with a failed emboucher
against an unseen opening
in the structure of the house

in had come the snow
a teaspoon at a time

the sugar by teaspoons
and the butter get creamed together
until the texture will take the eggs
and then with milk all go into the flour
like she showed me

Bake in a hot oven until done.

photo: Gary Scott (Canada) via FreeImages.com “Snow Drift” (detail)



Poets Unlimited

Ross in Ottawa was founder, publisher of “PoetsUnlimited” (NOW DEFUNCT). Abandoned MEDIUM after aggressive monetization ruined the platform