Here I Am

Scott Gardiner
Poets Unlimited
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2019

The predator is at my front door
He wants to devour all that I am
The bill collector is at my back door
He wants whatever is left
The devil is coming through my window
He wants my very soul
The politicians are lurking in the darkness
They want the coins in my jeans pocket

Come and take what you can get
Oh you vultures, here I am
I’ll be skin and bones when you’re finished with me
Oh you vipers, here I am
You’ll try to fuck my corpse when I’m dead
Necrophiliac bastards, here I am
You won’t account for my revival
You’d better run like hell, here I am
The name of the game is survival
You can count on that, here I am

They have put a spell on me
I can only speak in clickbait headlines
They’ve pulled my eyes from their sockets
So I can’t read the rest of the story
I have to come to my own conclusions
It’s the only step that I can take
I’m a board game of confusion
Up the ladder then right back down the snake

You dare to ask what’s wrong with me
You’d best move on, here I am
Mislead or ignore me
You’d best take notice, here I am
Throw your accusations like grenades
May your aim always be true, here I am
Judge not, lest ye be judged
I know that tune well, here I am
You only paint one half of the picture
You’d best keep painting, here I am
Think your opinions are scripture
Agnostic preacher, here I am

The succubus lays down beside me
Only when it suits her agenda
Indiscretions got me the gallows
With hardly time to mount a defense
My pleas for mercy fall upon deaf ears
Judge, jury, and executioner
Poetry, whiskey, and beers
Help me serve my death sentence

You stand at the end of my street
Oh baby, here I am
You said you’d never forsake me
Oh well, here I am
You said you’d never rip my heart out
Oh bloody mess, here I am
You said you’d never walk away
Footprints in the snow, here I am
You said you’d never become shadows
All alone, here I am

From the bottom of the ocean
I surfed my way to the surface
Poked my head above water
And gulped the air that I needed
Oh streaming music, stream your goodness
But I miss vinyl between my fingers
And now thanks to retro
I can finally scratch a record

With blood dripping on the tracks
Oh darling, here I am
I know enough that I’m wanted
Come and get me, here I am
Perfect is the enemy of good enough
Imperfect, here I am
You always know where to find me
Reach out baby, here I am
It’ll be a grind baby, you’ll see
Bruised and worn, here I am

My books of poetry are available on Amazon. Check em out!



Scott Gardiner
Poets Unlimited

Writer of little note, or maybe writer of little notes.