
Zohra Fatima
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2015

I have been cowering for so long

Under the shadow

That the mist and the fog and the sunlight

And whatever lies beyond

evades my eyes as a vision blurred and battered,

ensconced in the throes of timeless anguish,

by thoughts of your blinding rage or perhaps my own timidness

I knew it once, its hue and shape — its contours, curves, and all

Fed it, caressed its wings as it learnt to fly

But yours was the ultimate say

“It’s for your own good, OUR OWN GOOD” you’d say

And I listened and did as told and let it wither

Now when I see so many others — tethering their hopes to endless dreams

Honing them tirelessly, falling and yet moving on further

It’s the thought of home that I cannot keep at bay

(If it is there, to call mine and people)

“Don’t be ungrateful” you’d say. “This is your home –

unreal dreams, that will be your undoing. You wait and see!”

wait I did and see until I couldn’t

and fled to a realm unknown to both you and me

over here dreams are quickly bought and sold and grow old

go ‘out of vogue’ as they say.

To be more, to do more is nothing but

only a disguise for delusion — one man’s truth….

For some there is no other reality but the one they have distilled out

For others the burden of failure shrivels into resentment and proliferates

into sweltering hate

This is the way it has been since man learnt his name

Yet we always find it difficult to understand that betrayal too is a kind of love

for if we don’t lose we never actually learn

paradoxes make it bearable

the harassing monotony of habits and borrowed ambitions

but halfway through this path strewn with yellow leaves and budding weeds

where I halted not too long ago, I cannot help but remember and wonder

what kind of love it is that binds and destroys at the same time?

what kind of dreams that thrive on detaining

the truth behind the wall?

I have been under the shadow of this red rock for too long

I discovered the lies in its crevices and the truths smudged in its corners

having not completely lost and not completely gained

I sit under this shadow

holding on to that same sight

Of home

That could be mine!



Zohra Fatima
Poets Unlimited

Meandering thoughts of a reformed narcissist, aspiring opportunist, ex-idealist-come-realist, wannabe writer, and definitely a work in progress!