My Pristine, My Beautiful.

Ezra of All Trades
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 14, 2017

Her body, in all its curves and edges,
Dressed in a seductive green,
Her bosom, lain on an endless blue.

Slowly sinking into the deep,
Vulnerable to the world,
Exploited by man,
Raped by the unkind hands
of greed.

Choking on the gases of lies,
of corruption,
ebbing away into nonexistence;

She is dying.

My pristine, my beautiful:
Decorated with schools of fishes,
Cities of corals, pointing towards the heavens;
the sea gently hugging on her coastline,
awaiting the day it will surrender, back to the deep, back to the bottom of the Earth.

Sometime ago,

She rose from the clutches of the world, freed herself of the darkness, from the depths of the sea; her limestone only to be tainted with humanity.

Only to disappear again, sinking into the darkness.
Oh, how I wish I could save her.

Oh, how I wish I could stop climate change.



Ezra of All Trades
Poets Unlimited

Palauan in diaspora with a passion for art, writing, and cups of tea on rainy days.