
Markus Russin
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2016

Snatched from below,
Violently, the sun sets,
Settles bloody disputes;
Oh chilling gristle of affection,
Slashed and maimed and violated
By gallstone dogs and lizard-like
Daytime claw/bite rodents;

I chew too and so do you;
Dawn stone sunset
Through and through.

Chequered land with
Tulip/rose perfume collusion;
Oh this air, so beautiful,
So fresh and lively; don’t you
Think that after all
To be a wicked child of bones
Is all we ever wanted?

I chew too and so do you;
Dawn stone sunset
Through and through.

Hither, wither, almost slither,
Armpits dry as snake caves,
No more tension after
Long days of nuke-free
Fun in acid sunlight
Showered from the so-called heavens
On our so-called weary heads.

I chew too and so do you;
Dawn stone sunset
Through and through.

