I dreamed

Kamila Zguzi
Poets Unlimited
1 min readSep 18, 2017


I dreamed of fields
full of strong wheat
my feet
grazing the dried up strands
the feeding grains
would turn into powder
she’d work her hands
kneading the shapes
and shadows
of your face

I dreamed of white wolves
with yellow eyes
and furs like milk
their gentle tongues
would make
my hands warm
they sleep
next to the legs of the wooden bed
resting their wise heads
on your shoes
howling silently for me
upon feeling your scent
the heavenly bodies

Alaska is a lonely place you said

you covered
the fields
with your snow
put the wheat to sleep

Alaska is a lonely place you said

skies lost their volume
half-past dawn
stars deserted
their blue bedsheets

a house mouse
nested her small head
in your checked shirt
softly sniffing
out your fears
her children
are sleeping
in the pockets of your trousers
they walked with you
in the storm
through golden roads
metallic pavements
full of wooden fences
in the burned orange
of our sunsets

people told me
many terrible things
about love
no one told me
that people die
when silence enters

Alaska is a lonely place you said
for what it all meant



Kamila Zguzi
Poets Unlimited

I write when I feel, which is pretty much all the time.