I let the Day be

poulomi ghosh
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 24, 2017

I wish I could rub out the Day
From the face of Time,
And many more such days…

I wanted to put a knife
To the throat of the Day
And ask, ‘Why me?’

I wanted to pluck its eyes out
And shout, ‘Now you know,
How it hurts!’

But there, I saw a couple,
Blessed with their firstborn…

A happy kid soaked in rain
Sneezing and smiling,
With a birthday hat, all wet…

A youth smeared with cake,
As he blows out his birthday candle…

Do they ease my pain?

No, but for all those
Who were born today
And the Day is good to you

For all of you, I let the Day be…



poulomi ghosh
Poets Unlimited

Came to this world empty-handed, but will return with a cup of tea and a book.