I only Loved You..Destiny Broke Us Apart

Sunita Bimal
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 5, 2016

A tale of sadness and distance of two hearts

The day you walked into my life, I only loved you;
The day you talked to me, I only loved you,
The day you and I were best buddies, I only loved you;
The day I and you used to talk for hours together, I only loved you,
The days you cared for me when I was worried, I only loved you.

The day when you walked to me in front of everyone to ensure I am fine, I only loved you,
The day when you stood by my side when I needed someone, I only loved you,
The day when it was our last day and you elegantly sat beside me, I only loved you,

The day when we were meeting for the last time to be departed forever, I only loved you.
I only loved you and will always love you.
It’s just the matter, the overturn never will happen how much efforts I put into.



Sunita Bimal
Poets Unlimited

I believe that life is all about carving memories with new destinations to be traveled,capturing moments with umpteen pictures and jotting down own experiences.