I was telling him my story

Sriteja Reddy Wudaru
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2016


Then a lighting, sound and darkness filled in

I was dancing in glee, the night was hipsty.
And the beats that were too loud, I was tipsy.

I met him a few days ago, we clicked on the first sight
His body well built, mine not so much.

We shared memories over a couple of drinks
And became quite good friends with feelings starting to build.

Dragged to the most hipster club of the city
With our friends, we came to have some good time.

Away from the world that laughed at me
That shunned me for liking…. a boy.

Saying I’m defying the nature, saying I’m a freak
They drove me, they drove us to our own world, away from theirs’.

Here we are, today, in a place that’s ours’
Where no one shuns us or laughs at us.

But who knew we were not safe even here
That there was someone who hated us so much.

I was sharing with him my dreams about life
The places I dreamt of traveling to.

The adventures, the peaks I wanted to touch
My bucket list, I was telling him my story.

When a thunder sound echoed, and I saw a lighting
Then my eyes started to close, and darkness filled in.

For all the victims of Orlando, and elsewhere, who have always been the victims of hatred and meaningless rules of what mankind is, may all you find a better place at least now, where you are not treated differently.



Sriteja Reddy Wudaru
Poets Unlimited

Researcher. Author. Novelist. Poet. Storyteller. Poetry collection, ‘Unspoken Words’, out now. Check out my Medium profile for details.