Idyllic Intrigue

Kapil Vallabh
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 26, 2017

Independent of thoughts of tension and notions

Of religious sects and pious devotions

Of expectations and success

Of cleanliness and of mess

Of dressing to impress

Or tranquility or of stress

So what say you to this misconstrued mess

When the thoughts are such

You tend to overthink too much

Weigh in every thought you have

Late enough for them to transpire

So the question that begs itself

Is to what i aspire?

To none,to all

To listen or to call

Of sounds and strings

Where nothing begins

And everything ends

To what will and what has been

With still a hand on my chin

I think and think

That, am i actually free?

To others,maybe yes

But to myself what to confess

So they see, what it seems

A shine maybe,it gleams

But to me it’s dark

And i’m quite used to it

Cos’ the notion that persists

Is different than the one that exists

Cos as everyone knows

Nothing in this world is free

So while it shows what you wish

And you wish what you see

Things pass me by

As does the time

And i’m still not free

From completing this rhyme.

