I’m an Atheist & I’m Ok

Ron Fielder
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2017

With any logically constructed system,
you choose your axioms, your statements of
the bleeding obvious, and see what follows.
Like every state of being is alive.
So dead is the state where vital signs have ceased,
but being dead is just a contradiction.

Since twelve I’ve believed what still seems plain:
that living and dying are one and the same,
that the end of this process means leaving the game,
which continues, but only for those who remain.
So forget all the nonsense that preachers proclaim,
life begins to make sense as an atheist.

Death is life ended, not just adjourned,
and none who have died have ever returned,
nor lived on in heaven, nor in hell burned.
Pedlars of myths dressed as truths should be spurned,
and man-made abusive beliefs be unlearned.
You can think for yourself as an atheist.

Whether angry, submissive or in despair,
no reply is the answer to every prayer.
Do you think it’s because He just doesn’t care?
Or that remedies surely must always be rare
from petitions for magic to someone not there?
Humankind’s your support as an atheist.

I’m sure life’s for living now, not by and by,
for all of us here will one day die,
and to say pass on is to tell a lie.
This Earth where we live you can hardly deny
is amazing and real, not pie in the sky.
You live your life well as an atheist.

There is no hereafter obedience can buy,
no access to paradise faiths can supply.
Life endures but we each only get the one try,
so when ending this trip of a lifetime I’ll sigh
not a false au revoir, but an honest goodbye.
You leave little undone as an atheist.

Got it? Design by evolution. Gods
who watch and judge and intervene — absurd.
Commandments — uninspired inventions of
some charismatic leaders. Holy books -
their writings, based on myth and fable. Faiths -
reflections of our own desires and fears.

It’s simple, self-consistent and humane,
obvious to the unindoctrinated,
the only faith that fits the facts of life
without superfluous gods and their PR men;
tolerant of those who still need super-heroes,
but not of hate-filled bigots: atheism rules!



Ron Fielder
Poets Unlimited

Ex folkie, ex IBM, now into Bulgarian & Irish music and looking for a youth elixir (got any?).