I’m Leaving

Sebastian Sanchez
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMar 10, 2017

Let time pass by,
I can’t see you anymore.
You are next to me.
Nothing stirs inside.
The other night,
I left you behind.

I can’t take more scars from you,
There’s no other chance for us,
I’m walking far away,
Never to miss you again.

If memories bring you back:
The closer they get,
The farther I’ll be,
The faster I’ll flee.

Can’t you see this faint smile,
It can only cover,
The pain inside,
My broken soul.

So it’s decided.
My defense is up,
This wounded heart,
Won’t let you in anymore.

Even if you ask:
Come, and find me,
Meet my despair,
I’d be gone miles away.

I’m leaving, there is no more us,
I’m tearing it, when I’m gone.



Sebastian Sanchez
Poets Unlimited

Human in construction, Believer in action, Thoughtful Philosopher, Poet on standby.