Naomi Firestone
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2017


Keep Calm and Carry On?

In a world where children are obliterated
By chemical weapons
Where strikes rattle the brains and deafen
The sleeping innocent are threatened
A man faces Armageddon
Yet, He claims tears of joy for his twins are in heaven.

In a country where its people should be able
to trust those who have taken an oath to serve and protect
Well let’s reflect…
An African American;
A teenage boy named Trayvon Martin.
His crime? A hoodie and a bag of skittles
Murdered by a paranoid bigot who faced acquittal
A chokehold to cripple
“I can’t breath” will ripple
For years to come
No more years to come for Eric Garner
Killed by a police officer on duty
Protected by a grand jury
Michael Brown shot dead
His killer, the newspaper read,
An officer exonerated
Of any criminal wrongdoing
So I ask, who’s protected?

In a country where a statue so iconic
With broken chains of freedom too ironic
Welcoming immigrants from across the sea
Has now formed a rouge agency
To harass and attack
Undocumented immigrants willingly.
Those with traffic violations remain
Arrested and detained
Ripping families apart in vain
Do you feel their pain?

In a country where Native Americans
March to rally for their rights
They shout out “WATER IS LIFE!
All the while oil spills
And into OUR sacred water it fills.
Peaceful protesters shot with rubber
Blasted with water
Huddled together
Temperatures drop below freezing
Army corps continues seizing
Tear gas swells the eyes of those wheezing
And to whom does this land belong?

In a world where the climate of our planet
Is rapidly changing
We are drowning!
Seawater is rising
Our children will be saying
What were you thinking?
Mother Nature is screaming
And we are not listening
This is global warming
Scientifically proven
To be caused by human.

“In the land of the free and the home of the brave”
Is hypocrisy!
No respect for equality
No room for a woman to be free
To choose her own anatomy
Equally earning financially
By popular vote…
It would have been her presidency!

Love is love
Black lives matter
Climate change is real
No human being is illegal
All genders are whole and good
Women have rights over their bodies

In a world where so much is so wrong
How does one “Keep Calm And Carry On”

