In the voice of William S. Burroughs

Dan Gellert
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readOct 27, 2016
Man Ray — Chess Set

Addressing a dress can cause a pause
at any given address.
Understand that when a dress is addressed
caution and delicacy and intent
are paramount.
When desire to undress a dress
is disguised as a compliment
beware, be aware, the best that may come
is subtle or coquettish aggression —
though wrath of all sorts
will more likely need to be addressed
from a dress.

So all must learn to dance with a dress,
meaning both lead and follow
Listen and groove,
a light step and smile helps too.
Giving a hint, might get a wink
while simply respecting soars you
to heavenly heights —
perhaps to an address unknown.
Yes, addressing a dress, with honor,
may eventually change your address
to a place you can call home.



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Dan Gellert
Poets Unlimited

Trying to write what I see, usually with a poem. By day I mix audio. Most other hours I husband and father. Then I write…