Inevitably Growing

Talib Lawal
Poets Unlimited
1 min readApr 2, 2017


Inevitably growing

To a height so out of sight it seems unreachable

Chasing dreams never dreamt it seems infeasible

Contradicting the social norms of society

On a journey full of enemies trying me

I don’t comply

I realize the value rests inside of me

I’m unique

I’m distinct

I’m needed

My success is imperative

Regardless of what people think of me

Regardless of those who hate to see me on top

Regardless of how much I may be condemned for being someone that doesn’t fit the social construct

I will be successful

I will be that person that makes a difference

I will be that person that defies those social constructs

I will be me

Liberated from within

Liberated from the chains that tried to make me someone else

Inevitably growing

Like a tree that refuses to stay a seed

Even when I have gotten to the place I wanted to be I will be growing

Inevitably growing.

