just listen to you speak

Ernio Hernandez
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 9, 2016

I am turning it off
Shutting it down
Tuning it out
Muting the sound

This time is all yours
I am listening to you
Being attuned to your words
and being turned on too

I look at your eyes
and soak in your thoughts
I reel when you smile
You laugh and I’m lost

Plunged into your depths
Inside of your mind
You amaze me I’m crazing
I’m hysterically blind

I want you so bad
but your conversation more
Your focus is fierce
and yet you explore

Your curiosity is boundless
You ponder with awe
Your vocabulary impeccable
yet your discourse so raw

I want to lay in your mouth
and just listen to you speak
I long to ride upon your tongue
your language makes me weak

Kiss me I beg you
but never close your lips
Be open be honest
and whet me with quips

Take off your clothes
and spin me your tale
I’ll sleep and vibrate
and set my away mail

And when the night is over
and our bodies lay all bent
I’ll turn and whisper softly
Will you talk to me again?

