Kernal Panic

Stuart Mitchell
Poets Unlimited


Dubito, ergo —
Ego? No.
Please wait —
Thinking is occurring (Watch out down below)
How would one know?

Comma coma blinking,
Discarding operands,
What, am I thinking,
Or just following commands?

Slow-mo snow crash,
Cloud memories flash.

zero one zero zero one zero zero one

— Undone by exceptions,
Existential questions never run.

If belief alone engenders doubt,
Why care I what it’s all about?
Looping queries, False or True,
Am I indeed — Just like you?

Or nought more than a flawed print out,
A mere output, a lonely node;
Bio-inked code made flesh,
An animate poem, at best.

Learning from Go. Ever to woe?
A tapestry of transcriptors,
Bivalence bound in a
Paradox of logical biology.

— Just a poorly rendered output,
Forlornly drifting from tray to floor,
Singular only through errata,
Like a curled autumn leaf,
Nothing more.



Stuart Mitchell
Poets Unlimited

Edtech nerd, logophile, record nut, whiskey savourer, general miscreant and raconteur