Art by Javi Wolf.

Kisses / For This Moment Only

Tania Braukamper
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMar 12, 2018


I want your kisses.
The slow, soft,
meaningful ones. Forget
those firm-lipped things.

I want to be able to catch your lower lip
between mine
and have it submit to my will;
to swoon, to comply, to give itself up
without resistance.
When I tug on it
and release it,
it should spring back softly
like a done cake
under a baker’s probing finger.

I want your tongue to softly question,
and for mine to answer.
You can get it to ask anything it wants:
who I am, how I got
the cracks in my soul…
If I love you.

Just not what’s going to happen next.

This moment is
for this moment only.



Tania Braukamper
Poets Unlimited

Loves words, takes pictures. Is an accidental tornado of disaster.