
Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJan 20, 2018

You’ve submitted to the tube
Faces turned far from book
Tweeting, that canary, but is it too late?
Instant gratification for reverse-grammarfication

Sycophants are synchronizing
Soldering circuits just past the sky
Waiting for telemeter alignment
Whereupon channels are broadcast

Deep interstate dreamers
Drained out Nixon appointees
Casting lots at Moloch’s bequest
While Senates convene unannounced

Education indoctrination
Politicization, bastardization
Brain-drip condensation
Herded-mind amalgamation

Plugged-in by proximity amusement
All eyes facing downward
Our culture’s ear-budded placebo
To forget what’s facing forward



Immanuel R. Knight
Poets Unlimited

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.