Ken Kennedy
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJun 20, 2018


Lagoon 2

Perhaps I have this recurring theme
From when I drowned
On that complex Carmel beach
Then lived again.
The night I walked thru pine forest
To the drumming of unseen waves,
Forest sounds, music of crickets,
Downhill, until, like the lifting of a pall
There was the sea.

A pale moon in the enveloping dark;
Its whiteness adds to the gray streaked sand;
Silky sounds as I walk;
The din of the sea incessant.

My shadow leaps over ashen surface.
Waves claw at jutting rocks, seeths at the fleeing moon;
Brings with it icey ocean fog;
The beach an isthmus in the screaming foam.

The night the isthmus disappeared;
The night my breath went silent;
The suddenness of the way things end;
The wetness and salt taste of it all.

