Last Chance America

John Horan
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2018

These are surely times of dissolution

We can only hope it is the death

That precedes rebirth

And not the long drawn out death

That never ends

The French Revolution

As opposed to the

Fall of the Roman Empire

Neither is ideal

But these are dark times my friend

The fascists are calling themselves realists again

And people are believing them

Hate is back in fashion

Hate is the cowards way

Of coping with pain

Passing it on

To make them feel strong

Projecting the goblins

In their minds

All around them

Always on the most vulnerable

We try to remind them

In the end everyone

Must face themselves

What they’ll see

Will be shattering

But we must not

Let them take us down

With them

No one wants to be the good German

That let it all happen

Last chance, coming up!

Last chance to save the republic.

Like my poems? Check out my novel A Vagrant At The House Of Love.



John Horan
Poets Unlimited

Writer of novels, scripts and poems. Teaches meditation. Thinks too much.