last week

L.A. Mack
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readDec 21, 2018

last week fucked on couch

the cushion ruined from a single blemish

my excitement I can never contain

a child at the foot of the tree with hungry eyes

I remove the nice wrapping tooth and nail

Court laughs after haha

we should just leave a towel down

she pivots hard and passionate

she is I think drunk I know this

from her moans I must be too

after bored or indifferent can’t decide

I stare out the window

the wind so unforgiving

has swept a garbage bin into the road

I stare until this feeling leaves me alone




L.A. Mack
Poets Unlimited

Looking to put up raw material here as much as I can going forward and connecting w/yall. Drop a line and thank you for reading.