Anukriti Jain
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2016

Staring into the eyes of the sky
Gazing blankly back
I wonder with distaste
If it's where I'll be, after I die.

It offers no peace, no solace
To know I'll be one of the stars
Far among the thousands
Beyond reach, away in the space.

Posterity shall look for me
Mistake me for a ball of fire
But if somehow I'll last forever,
It shall be in the hearts of thee.

As constant as change
As aberrant as destiny
Till the end of time itself
I'll remain but a mystery strange.

Search for me, you shan't find
Pray to me, no I ain't divine
Focus all your purity, for
It's serenity I'm hidden behind.

Preachers are my teachers
Immortality my prize and penalty
For as long as I live in death
Truth shall not tarry.

Yes, a pentacle I may become
But not of celestial rocks or gas
Even as my soul shall rest in peace,
To no irrationality I'll ever succumb.

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(Photo source: instagram)

