Janet Rhodes
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJul 7, 2017



(sung to the tune of “Little Girls” from the musical Annie)

Little words, little words

Everywhere I see, taste and hear them

Little words, little words

Night and day I taste sleep and breathe them

I’m an ordinary scribbler with feelings

I’d like the Muse to whisper in my ear

But she’s so coy — thinks I’m a toy —

Ignores me and goes out for beer!

Little words, little thoughts

Everything in me is little

If I go postal here

Surely it will end in my committal

Some poets are swimming in symbols

Some writers get all the tropes

Lucky me lucky me

Look at what I’m swimming in

Verse with a case of the mopes!

How I hate little words

Stupid puns

And each little cliché

I write what’s trite

My plight’s a fright

Without even the joy of the risqué

Someday I’ll strangle Euterpe

Erato and then Calliope

Three Muses dead, on them I tread

(A propos, cut Atropos’ thread!)

So I’m not just a wannabe

Someday I’ll try out accounting

Stop this vain idolatry

Then I’ll crunch sums, not words

On the wagon, forswearing poetry!

Image: Dreamstime.com Royalty Free Images



Janet Rhodes
Poets Unlimited

"...With the drawing of this Love and the voice of this Calling..."