Loneliness Feels Like…

Indira Reddy
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMar 26, 2017

Loneliness is the sensory deprivation chamber
Where you are stuck in deep inky blackness
Too deep, too dark to see if you even exist
Where the air is so still, so odourless, sterile
That the concept of another is a mirage
Where not a note of sound deigns to visit
Where every cell burns for a human touch
And so, the mind conjures up an ensemble
Of apparitions whose ghostly hands reach out
Cradling your drought ridden soul, in comfort
Miming a touch in intangible whispers of nerves
Keeping you standing, on the brink of madness



Indira Reddy
Poets Unlimited

Endlessly fascinated by how 26 simple symbols can say so much…