Many years it took me to find out

T Ashok
Poets Unlimited
2 min readJun 1, 2018


When I had a doubt and asked him a question
He would ask me another, making me find the answer,
Never did he provide a straight answer ever.
Many years it took me to find out that
He had taught me problem solving.

Some weekends he was busy
Designing new systems for his factory,
Sheets filled with calculations and lots of wood shavings.
Many years it took me to find out that
He had taught me persistence.

While working on anything, he whistled gently
Totally immersed, his face bright and joyful,
Just like a kid, curious and engrossed.
Many years it took me to find out that
He had taught me to enjoy whatever I do.

One day he came to my hostel room without notice
He gazed at the pretty pictures plastered on all the walls,
He continued chatting normally, as if the walls were white.
Many years it took me to find out that
He had taught me to respect others taste and views.

It was joy to see him work, to see perfection emerge
His deft hands, his logical mind iterating and refining,
Until the outcome was a beautiful work of art.
Many years it took me to find out that
He had taught me perfection at work.

When I did something very well, all he said was ‘Nice’,
Selective in his appreciation, no superlatives,
His nod and lovely smile were my greatest appreciation.
Many years it took me to find out that
He had taught me to set high personal standards.

Many years it has taken, to pen my deep admiration for you,
Let me read this silently so that you can hear in heaven
After all you are in my heart and I see you in my mind.
I know you like this, as I see your beautiful smile and quiet nod,
Thank you Dear Dad.



T Ashok
Poets Unlimited

Software Test Professional. Endurance Cyclist.Ultra Runner. Wordsmith. “Do what you love, Love what you do”.