


Tamyka Bell
Poets Unlimited



Hi there! My name is Tamyka Bell.
I write many words of prose and verse;
my favourite form is the villanelle.

If you stay and get to know me well,
you’ll see it’s a blessing and a curse.
Hi there, my name is Tamyka Bell,

and I think we’re really gonna gel.
Even when I get a little terse,
my favourite form is the villanelle.

I like to compose them on my cell
phone, but it’s not ideal for my purse.
Hi there, my name is Tamyka Bell.

If you’re in the mood to buy, I’ll sell
a piece of my poet’s universe.
My favourite form is the villanelle.

They say the party’s rocking in hell —
I’ll say, when they ship me in a hearse:
Hi there, my name is Tamyka Bell;
my favourite form is the villanelle!

Important: This villanelle is not my finest work!



Tamyka Bell
Poets Unlimited

writes. runs. drinks coffee. doesn’t go in for that whole sleep thing