Me & Thee

Wandering Soul
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2017

Accentuated by the dialogue with my confidante
While we nibbled in our favourite restaurant
Triggered by the question I had asked
How long will this rendezvous last!

To which replied the sagacious one
Chain of thoughts this question had begun
For as long as it gives both
In a requisite proportion
Gratification of companionship

A need, a want or call it a desire
Companionship has many layers
Many a color, Many a shade
Some grow darker while some fade
Some make me traverse closer to self
While some take me miles away
With some emotions run strong
With some it’s all games and play

Companionship is a state of mind
Changing dimensions with passing time
I change, you change, times change
Breaking some bonds, strengthening few ties

Some so necessary, some so dispensable
Few are emotional, few are familial
Many are social, several mere professional
Some amorous, some platonic
Few bind you, fewer you bond with
A handful fill the rifts some cause the drifts
For some unite at a sole
For some the unity extends to the soul

Often I wonder, when I sit back and ponder
Am I by thee or thee by me!

