Media Menu

Poets Unlimited
1 min readDec 7, 2016


Dumpling hips compliment
savory sausage-thighs.
Pride swells in ample bosom
and blossoms on caramel cheeks.
My feast is complete.

Media boasts a different menu.
Sauce on the side
less food on the plate
I inhale lies.
Exhale self-hate.

I gobble up Vogue Covers.
Reach for skeletal frames.
Wish for the bland,
barely-there breasts.
Dream of minimal hips
atop ivory toothpicks.

But, delicious curves won’t surrender.
They stick and stay true.
So, I open a vein
and drain my enemy.
Death delivers
what life could not-
Vicky’s secret
to a happy life.

Media boasts a different menu.
Sauce on the side
less food on the plate.
I internalized the lies.
I exhaled the self-hate.

Don’t judge your beauty by the Media’s Measuring Stick.



Poets Unlimited

Who said writing was my choice? “They’re stuck in my head. Stories that need to be birthed feel heavy, full grown.”