
Andrew Westcott
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readAug 4, 2017


Men gather around coffee machine
replaying last night’s game.
Wheel of post trolley squeaks
as morning post delivered to offices.
Stiletto heel on parquet floor
echos along corridor.
Deafening clatter of typewriters
as typing pool starts their day.

Now deserted.
Ghosts left to themselves,
Pigeons meet in roof space.
Dumping site for supermarket trolleys.
Inquisitive rats scurry along basement floor.
And, if you are really, really quiet you hear ivy
as it creeps through crumbling bricks.

Thanks for reading my poetry, if you like it please show your appreciation.



Andrew Westcott
Poets Unlimited

I am a writer and a reader and I enjoy doing both immensely. I live in the South West of England.