N C Luck
Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2016



Oh how I can feel it!

Softly floating through this dimly lit air.

Slowly falling towards my soul, in that quiet, terrifying way.

Oh how I feel it!

The breeze has been arrested,

and lay captive, waiting for your rescue near the horizon.

I do often wonder if your capacity has any capabilities in saving that sad,

and tired breeze.

I do wonder.

I wish in all my days of laying here,

I had spend just one breath on your tender soul.

If only I had heard your subtle rhythm of a pulse.

I could have stared into those entirely too pale eyes

and shown you all that I can see…

all that I was too stubborn to be.

Maybe one day, when the wrinkles have done their sinking,

and gravity has given up on my surely soiled mind,

we will look back on this night and remember

how the dust was settling

and the moon had up and fed us to the thickest darkness

of my eternal life.

Then I would look at you and laugh

at the thought of love I felt.

I tried to explain it to you once,

but you couldn’t hear my careful words.

You thought my love was just for you.

But if that were true

I would still be here,

and so would you.

The heart could handle that sweet human love.

I wish that had been the feeling felt!

I wish it had been that weightless love.



N C Luck
Poets Unlimited

I don’t want to write something that you have never known, I want to write something that you have always known to show you that you are not alone.