Mind Games

Gloria Lassich
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJan 29, 2016

Tell others you love me & I’m a good daughter.
Praise me, so you look like a good mother.
At home I’m someone else, I’m the worthless child.
At home you’re someone else, far from mild.
Lie & hold back truth so you look righteous.
When others mess up, act falsely pious.

Holler & scream anyway, it’s no worse than the mind games you play . . .
The mind games you play.

Make up your mind, tell the facts.
Do you love us or was it all an act?
Why didn’t you protect us? Didn’t you care?
It was inconvenient, too much to bear.
You protected yourself, when the time was right.
Never thought of the little kids, shut out from the light.

Holler & scream anyway, it’s no worse than the mind games you play . . .
The mind games you play.



Gloria Lassich
Poets Unlimited

I’m a creative person w/many interests: beauty blogging/vlogging, digital artist/web designer, writing & reading. I’m a geek & an introvert.