Moments Fade Away

Scott Gardiner
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJul 25, 2017

The melancholy of the moonlight
Gradually gives way
To the effervescent sunlight
To the reassuring day
I shield my eyes against the brightness
As I stand in my doorway
Then suddenly it’s dark again
As fleeting moments fade away.

I try to catch as much sleep
As my jailers will allow
If they wouldn’t set me free then
Why would they release me now?
They say we’ll set free my son
But you’re going to have to pay
And just like that the chance is gone
As fleeting moments fade away

The debate rages inside me
Should I pick up the phone
Should I send you a message
So that you know you’re not alone
I see you stand in front of me
Just as you did yesterday
Like a wisp of smoke you’re gone again
As fleeting moments fade away

I rage against the cruelty
But not a single word was spoke
My vocal cords are severed
My larynx it is broke
My voice is trapped inside me
There are no words that I can say
Not a single word of protest
As fleeting moments fade away

Find Scott’s book on his website or Amazon or the Kindle version.



Scott Gardiner
Poets Unlimited

Writer of little note, or maybe writer of little notes.