Mother I cry

Patsy Starke
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 26, 2017

At the age, I could not see
When I was, younger and needed thee

mother I cried

Many parents leaving now
So much older, I can’t see how

mother I’m crying

In your bed, you now sleep
I won’t make a peep

Mama I whisper

We used to play a fun game
I know you still love me the same

mommy, I laughed

At your side, I hold your hand
Time in the glass runs out like sand

Mother I’m here for you

You can cry now too….

Patsy, 2012



Patsy Starke
Poets Unlimited

Registered Nurse, Transgender Woman In a lifelong transition, Parent, Grandparent, Normal every day run of the mill person, realizing my place here.