my citadel

a poem

Braden Turner
Poets Unlimited
1 min readApr 11, 2018


Shuttle | CC

out rode the sons of Terra
Nova, i am the Nova.

will you read my poems or will you swallow them
or stare with rimmed cacophonies at radiation-bleached pages?
do you dream like me or deconstruct data & code it with a wired
do i make sense to your flowery blue receptor eyesockets? or do you
have visions of God?
which way will my carbon go engulfed in millions of stars?

This is my rocket my citadel, my Normandy i send my message Beyond
Someone to hear me
My immortality
without their diamond gold or steel or cobalt or chemical fires
without papers or filing cabinets or my passport in their warheads
without carbon finally
pure thought

here is my rocket of eternality
more than my hair or my sperm or the cells of my body
speed of thought flying upwards as instantaneous as desire
as the universe and faster than light
everything else is left for the moment i turn
back and sleep on the green hills of Earth

Thanks for reading. I ❤ your responses! Let’s grapple with humanity, no?



Braden Turner
Poets Unlimited

Gather your fear & move ever onward—there’s always a new story to tell. • Grad Student. English Instructor. Outspoken sci-fi video game nerd.