My Little Boat

Rebecca Saraceno
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readFeb 28, 2018
Photo by Joel Bengs on Unsplash

My boat is caught in a storm
Should I be anchoring down?
I feel so uncertain
Waves of despair recall what’s lost

Should I be anchoring down?
Or do I chart an unknown course?
Waves of despair ignite what’s lost
The singular voice I can no longer hear

Do I chart an unknown course?
I’m not sure I have the strength in this moment
Without the voice I can no longer find
My little boat is battered and broken

I have no strength
Too fearful of making a mistake
My little boat all tattered and torn
Where’s the tranquil horizon?

Frozen with fear of fucking up
I feel so uncertain
Where is the cinematic horizon?
My boat is beaten by the storm.



Rebecca Saraceno
Poets Unlimited

Editor, Writer, Seeker. Believes unequivocally in the value of connection, the power of words and animals as sentient beings.