My love is.. real

Poets Unlimited
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2018

It is not me you love
Then who? What?
Where is there a creation more worthy of love than I?
There is not…

By not loving me
You have committed a crime
An injustice to yourself
For loving me, you will realise, would have been your biggest achievement

You see, I would have loved you back
A love so fierce, so immeasurable
By human kind
Never falling away from you
I, I would have lifted you to your highest potential

With me by your side
Nothing, nothing I tell you!
Would have been too powerful for us to overcome
I… I am pure. I am love. I am honesty.
Your strongest ally I would have been

It has taken time
But now I have no doubt
It is not me that you have wronged
You will suffer without my love
Yes, this is true, for never will a love you find be so indestructible

My love is
Love. Real, honest, powerful.. Pure love.

Where is there a creation more worthy of love than I?
There is not.

©S.K. Mustafa — 28.08.2018

On behalf of all women who have been left heartbroken by men not strong enough to love them. Women who have been made to feel unworthy of being loved… this one is for you! ❤



Poets Unlimited

My dearest dysfunctional mind, you can find your comfort in writing.. (Follow @s_k_mustafa on Instagram for daily extracts of my poems 😊)