My Room

Rebecca Saraceno
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readSep 25, 2018
Photo by Alexandre Chambon on Unsplash

Today I built a room
It was spacious, airy and light
There were windows on every side
Sunlight streamed through the wispy curtains

As I sat in the middle of my room
I heard the wind sigh an outward breath
The air was warm
I could relax and enjoy my creation

My mouth cracks a smile
I can be proud of where I am
I feel safe—at home
This is my space

Soon I become thirsty
But on rising from my seat, I see no tap
Soon I am weary
But I find there is no place to rest

Perhaps there is another room
Outside of the room I am in
I approach the door
The handle is missing

Crushed, I slide to the floor
Did I construct this room?
How can I sustain myself here?
A room where it is not possible to live?



Rebecca Saraceno
Poets Unlimited

Editor, Writer, Seeker. Believes unequivocally in the value of connection, the power of words and animals as sentient beings.