New Year’s Eve

Salma Nihru
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readMar 26, 2017
Source image: Unsplash

A girl is sitting in the corner of her room

Seeing the crowd outside the window

Through the wall

Knocking her fingers to the table

Raising her eyebrows for seconds

The crowd is defeated by the noises inside herself

Her neurons explode

Creating fireworks in her head

Her heartbeats are as loud as the sound of the joy

Louder than the trumpets

The demons are singing aloud

Together — definitely, delighted

Having a party in the deep down of her heart

Celebrating their winning

After taking over her barouche for years

Setting the direction of the horses as they wishes

Will lead her next year into deeper well

The demons won

They have the girl’s new year’s eve



Salma Nihru
Poets Unlimited

a witch; /wiCH/, who creates magic through words.