No more

triolet and counterpoint

Tamyka Bell
Poets Unlimited
1 min readJun 24, 2017


Photo by Terry Artt (Pexels/Tookapic)

~ Triolet ~
I walk away, leave you behind;
my thoughts return to you. Once more
to love, to hold, to keep, to bind,
I walk away, leave you behind
the veil of lies. The years remind
me — though times change, of this I’m sure —
I walk away, leave you behind;
my thoughts return to you once more.

~ Counterpoint ~
My thoughts return to you once more.
I walk away, leave you behind
me — though times change, of this I’m sure —
my thoughts return to you. Once more
the years remind me; they keep score:
to love, to hold, to keep, to bind,
my thoughts return to you. Once more
I walk away, leave you behind.



Tamyka Bell
Poets Unlimited

writes. runs. drinks coffee. doesn’t go in for that whole sleep thing