© Lee Bullitt, Conneticut, 2017

no more dreams in The Country

Lee Bullitt
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readDec 27, 2017


​You think I don’t know you’re using me to feel less alone?

So who cares what I take in return?
After every thing
and all the Me
I’ve given you.

So wet with understanding.
one day.
the clarity was overwhelming .
woke up short of breath in the place that we had laid together.
The light so sharp in The Country
Every floating particle shone like some tiny brilliant thing
The sound of falling snow, of the wind. wind blowing far off, rolling toward us
from the mountain
The sound of wood burning
Throats expanding
Heavy wings, thick with winter sleep.
The sounds of pressing you down
spread out
my open palm
your ready skin.
Heavy wings again, thick with winter sleep
now violently awake,
angry, and disoriented.

And then you.
And then I am still here.

I didn’t ask for this.
but is it too late and too much to ask
that you look in the mirror and
remember who did?




Lee Bullitt
Poets Unlimited

Writer & Visual Artist from New York, NY ~ Contributor for Poets Unlimited and P.S. I Love You ~ [All photos and words are by me] ~ www.hereisleebullitt.com