Words seeking glory
Poets Unlimited
Published in
1 min readJul 10, 2018
Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash

While the sun growls innocent rays,
Cruel drops slowly pave the empty streets.
It’s a duel wherein I stand, where the gloom beats
The light and covers the flowers in a dense haze.

It’s an open room with closed doors,
But I won’t drown, I just won’t!
Sideways trapped in coldish chaotic wars,
Dear dusk don’t sink me, please don’t.

Regular flowers worship the sun,
However I’m a flower with a different story,
An alluring lost in space constellation like none
Dyes me through a fluorescent exotic smile , I name her NORI

  • Frederico Vicente



Words seeking glory
Poets Unlimited

What else but Poetry? A 22 years old guy trying to find his path through gloomy words.